Last updated 7 months ago
Units Network is a blockchain network operating on top of the Waves blockchain. It introduces a novel approach to blockchain architecture, merging high performance and scalability with robust security and decentralization.
Peer: enode://a98c0670279c15bc5249e1a3801dd69d441e7be6879b6787437eec5527b09329fb2ff9d4b8153f93fe184b23258b4691e33fff24339d8ce3d2fc140c9e97f14f@
Hardware requirements: 4 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM, 60+ GB SSD.
Port: 8545, 30303, 6868, 6869
if [ -x "$(command -v wget)" ]; then apt install wget -y; fi && \ wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm
echo <address> | xxd -r -p | base64
#Logs docker compose logs -n 10 -f docker compose logs -f waves-node docker compose logs -f besu #Height curl http://localhost:6869/blocks/height #Node status curl http://localhost:6869/node/status